Saturday 26 December 2009

The End of Time - Part One

Fortunately, a proper story and not some silly Christmas "special", part one of David Tennant's final adventure wasn't bad at all.

That was, of course, until everybody turned into John Simm, in a bit of a "Being John Malkovich" moment. Then the story just turned into one giant reminder as to why I can't wait for Russell T Davies to leave.

Throughout the Tenth Doctor's tenure, I've noticed he's become a bit of an emo. Our first teary Doctor. For me, the over-emotional aspect never worked; it detracted from the mystery of the character. Christopher Eccleston's portrayal of suppressed emotion was much better - whereas the previous Doctors had generally kept any such emotion well hidden, he let it show, but only very slightly, keeping his pride and charisma in tact. It's clear now, that the Tenth Doctor probably cries at the end of soppy movies.

But that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed Mr Tennant. Indeed, he might make a better Hamlet than Doctor, and his portrayal of the character turned out to be different to my expectations, and I always felt, not quite right, given David's excellence and potential as a genuinely brilliant actor. But there's no denying his popularity is what made the show the huge success it is, and, as always, it is always a moving moment when you know you're watching the current Doctor for the last time.

Since 2007, I've been trying to erase John Simm's Master from memory. So what do they do? They bring him back. But I think, mistakes made, and lessons learnt, the new, ravaged (or unshaven), pointlessly blonde Master is much better, and far more in keeping with the character. Apart from the ridiculous flying bit.

I had suspected the Time Lords would return, and - hurrah! - they are! Led by an unexpectedly fitting Timothy Dalton. The clips of the new Time Lords looked full of promise, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the second part holds, as well as waving off the Tenth Doctor, and preparing myself for the show's much-needed change.

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