Wednesday 14 October 2009


I'm probably one of the only hardcore fans who isn't bothered one jot about the Sarah Jane Adventures, and any other spin-off (barring Torchwood... but that's for adults). Back in its heyday the show didn't "need" spin-offs, so why now? To milk a young generation of their inheritance money, perhaps?

It is rather sad to know that hundreds of adults are now tuning into Children's TV to ogle at a 60-something Lis Sladen. The Sarah Jane was great, and I've met Lis, and she's lovely, so it's really great that she's back on TV with her own show and doing well. But for me, it's still one spin-off too many. The basic premise of the show seems to be about a kid who's mum is 'a bit mad' and has a sonic lipstick with which she can save the universe from the likes of Sontarans and Slitheen. And now, it's viewing figures are likely to treble thanks to the proper appearance by The Doctor.

Personally I'd wipe all this out of the timeline. If Doctor Who itself is supposed to be a family show - with a strong emphasis on kids, why do they need a show of their own? Unless of course Mr Moffatt is planing to take the show to a darker, place, which could only be a good thing. But I'm probably dreaming.

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