Thursday 8 October 2009

Young fans to design new TARDIS console!

I'm almost swallowing my own words. I read on the BBC website that Blue Peter, famous for it's long-running connections with the show, are running a competition for young fans to design a new TARDIS console, to appear in one episode of the new series.

So they got kids to design the new logo so it seems, why not let them do the rest?

But there's a catch. It has to be made out of household objects, but remain hexagonal. Household objects... this being Britain, will undoubtedly mean there will be a toilet in there and probably a whole conglomeration of other things like crockery, a kettle, probably a PS2, and if it's for an episode that features Captain Jack, then I suppose there will have to be the obligatory item with "wanking" pump action.

I can only imagine that in said story, the TARDIS' chameleon circuit is reactivated in the Doctor's first adventure on the mysterious world of Homebase.

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